


We rarely had “professional” photos taken of my family growing up. I remember being sad about it in middle school and I coordinated a time for us to get our photo taken at JC Penny. I picked out everyone’s outfits and made sure we all matched, marched our butts to the mall, and then proudly hung that photo in our hallway next to the one we had taken at church 10 years before that. When my dad got sick, we hired a talented high end photographer, who is now my dear friend, to photograph our family. I remember crying when I called her because I couldn’t stand thinking that we might not have recent family photos before my dad died. Of course my dad was tough of nails and stuck around for a few more years. When my brother got married this spring, I begged them to hire an awesome photographer, which I’m so glad they did. Those are the last real photos we have of my dad because he died just a few weeks later.

I often see the inward struggle when people contemplate investing in great photos. I totally get it – life and weddings are expensive, but I also want to tell people- if you invest in one thing, please invest in your memories! You and your family are priceless and we are never promised tomorrow. 

So treat yourself to great photography. You deserve it and your family will be forever grateful. 

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The Problem is, You Don’t Realize You’re SO Worth It

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imagery by kristin sweeting 2024